Wednesday 4 January 2012

Zac Efron’s Workout

Zac Efron’s Workout


Zac Efron has an “Ectomorph” Body Type

Zac Efron is has an ectomorphic body type by nature. If you are unfamiliar with the three major body types, ectomorphs are skinny and have a narrow-frame by nature. They can usually eat a ton without much weight gain – fat nor muscle.
Both a blessing and a curse, Efron had to consume far more calories than the average bodybuilder to pack on mass. Especially considering his age – his metabolism is still firing like mad, so eating healthy caloric dense foods is something he has to do, while lifting heavy weights and getting enough rest. Otherwise lean gains are just not going to happen.
An advtantage of being young, Efron gained a certain amount of lean muscle fairly quickly and easily. Your body naturally wants to have a certain amount of muscle, skinny guys who are young usually just haven’t unleashed that natural amount of mass yet. After that initial gain is built, it then becomes a more complicated process at adding more mass, but that usually isn’t desirable anyway. I believe in achieving an athletic “Hollywood Look” … lean, toned and slim, but not skinny. Overly bulky muscles just aren’t the way to go anymore; it’s not the 80s guys!
Because lifting heavy is going to be a critical factor in gaining size, get a workout partner to spot you through your lifts. You can also keep each other accountable and push each other to the next level.
Higher volume resistance training will expedite muscle stimulation and growth. You should be lifting heavy enough weights to where you are “failing” by your 12th rep, absolute max. Ideally, aim for rep ranges around 6 to 8 reps for the best range for muscular growth.
Until you’ve gained that “normal” range of muscle, the “Big 3″ are going to be lifts that will add mass quicker than other exercises. This consists of the deadlift, bench press, and squat. Compound exercises that stimulate large muscles will help gain muscle at a much faster rate than isolation exercises ever will.
Lifting hard and heavy is only a third of the equation. Nutrition and Rest are the other pieces to the pie. Learn about Efron’s Diet Plan here. Remember, ectomorph or not, if you want to add muscle, you have to be eating more calories than you’re burning on a consistent basis. It’s not an overnight process, but with the proper training regimen, a solid nutritional program, and enough rest, even the hardest of hardgainers have the potential to attain that lean muscular look like Efron has done.

Zac Efron’s Workout Routine

Monday: Chest & Back
3×8reps – Barbell/DB flat bench press
3×8reps – Incline DB Press
3×8reps – Weighted Dips
3×8reps – Dumbbell Squeeze Press
Tuesday: Back
3xfailure – Wide Grip Pullups
3×8 – Bentover Barbell Row
3×8-10 – Narrow Grip Lat Pulldown
3×8 – Seated Cable Row
3×failure – Chinups
Wednesday: Rest Day

Thursday: Shoulders
3×8 Barbell Military Press
3×8 Seated/Standing DB Overhead Press
3×12 Side Lateral Raises
3×12 Front Lateral Raise
3×12 Rear Deltoid Cable Flyes
Friday: Legs
3×8 Deadlift
3×8 Squat
3×12 Calf raise
3×15 Split Jumps
Saturday: Cardio & Core
5 minute warm-up on treadmill
20 minute interval training on treadmill
3×10 crunches on stability Ball
3×20seconds Plank
3×12 Ab roll-out with stability ball
3×12 Stability ball pull-in
Remember that rest is critical, especially for hard gainers – over training will not lead to faster gains, it will impede growth. In order to grow, you HAVE to rest!


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