Wednesday 4 January 2012

Brock Lesnar Workout

Brock Lesnar Workout

Brock Lesnar Workout

Brock Lesnar made a huge splash when crossed over from WWE to the MMA.  He shocked the MMA world by beating some of the best heavyweight fighters they had to offer.  A huge part of Brock’s success has been his unique combination of strength and explosiveness.

How often have you watched Brock fight and thought to yourself; how does a guy that big move like that?  Few MMA fighters are as massive and muscular, while still remaining flexible and agile, as Brock.

How Brock Lesnar Builds Size and Strength

Brock Lesnar workout routine includes 4 days of weight lifting

Day 1: Chest & Triceps
Bench Press : 6 Sets 12 Reps
Incline Dumbell Press: 4 Sets 10 Reps
Dumbell Flys: 3 Sets 8 Reps
Cable Crossovers: 3 Sets 8 Reps
Triceps Dips: 4 Sets 10 Reps
Triceps Pushdowns: 4 Sets 10 Reps
Skull Crushers: 3 Sets 10 Reps

Day 2: Back & Biceps
Wide-Grip Pull Up 4 Sets 6 Reps
Medium Grip Pull Up: 4 Sets 6 Reps
Narrow Grip Pull Up: 4 Sets 6 Reps
Seated Cable Row: 4 Sets 6 Reps
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 4 Sets 6 Reps
Deadlift: 4 Sets 6 Reps
Preacher Curl: 4 Sets 12 Reps
Hammer Curl: 3 Sets 10 Reps
Incline Dumbbell Curl : 3 Sets 10 Reps

Day 3: Shoulders
Overhead Barbell Press: 4 Sets 10 Reps
Seated Dumbbell Press: 3 Sets 10 Reps
Dumbbell Front Raise: 3 Sets 10 Reps
Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 3 Sets 10 Reps
Smith Machine Upright Row: 4 Sets 6 Reps
Barbell/Dumbbell Shrug: 4 Sets 6 Reps
Day 4: Legs
Leg Extension: 3 Sets 10 Reps
Leg Curl: 3 Sets 10 Reps
Narrow-Stance Smith Machine Squat: 4 Sets 6 Reps
Medium-Stance Smith Machine Squat: 4 Sets 6 Reps
Wide-Stance Smith Machine Squat: 4 Sets 6 Reps
Leg Press: 4 Sets 6 Reps
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 4 Sets 6 Reps

Day 3: Shoulders
Overhead Barbell Press: 4 Sets 10 Reps
Seated Dumbbell Press: 3 Sets 10 Reps
Dumbbell Front Raise: 3 Sets 10 Reps
Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 3 Sets 10 Reps
Smith Machine Upright Row: 4 Sets 6 Reps
Barbell/Dumbbell Shrug: 4 Sets 6 Reps
Day 4: Legs
Leg Extension: 3 Sets 10 Reps
Leg Curl: 3 Sets 10 Reps
Narrow-Stance Smith Machine Squat: 4 Sets 6 Reps
Medium-Stance Smith Machine Squat: 4 Sets 6 Reps
Wide-Stance Smith Machine Squat: 4 Sets 6 Reps
Leg Press: 4 Sets 6 Reps
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 4 Sets 6 Reps

Brock Lesnar MMA Workout

How He Trains For Fights

In addition to his weight training, Brock Lesnar performs an MMA workout as well. He does grappling 4 days per week, striking and ground and pound 2 days per week and performs a 5 round circuit training workout for his cardio routine.
5 1 Minute Rounds
5 1 Minute Standing Drills
Striking and Ground and Pound
5 x 5 minute rounds with 1 minute rest between rounds
Circuit training workout routine
1st Round: Pushing Muscular Endurance
Spiderman Push-ups
Plyo Push-ups
Mounted Punching
Tire Push
Hand Switch
2nd Round: Pulling Muscular Endurance
Recline Pull-ups
Bodyweight Pull-ups
Pulling/Pushing tire
Jumping Pull-ups
Heavy bag Twirl
3rd Round: Cardio Endurance Training
Airdyne Bike (70rpm)
UBE Machine
Incline Treadmill (as steep as possible)
Windsprint Bike (standing full time)
Airdyne Bike
4th Round: Hybrid Strength Training
Jammer Machine
One arm Sledge Hammer
Medicine Ball Sprawls
Bear Crawls
Transition Station
5th Round: Most Intense Round
Airdyne Bike (70rpm)
UBE Machine
Incline Treadmill (as steep as possible)
Windsprint Bike (standing full time)
Airdyne Bike


Humaun Kabir said...

What a great post. I’m really like it!

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