Thursday 5 January 2012

Azzi Training

Body Fitness – My New Year Resolution

Here it is, January and the new year is already starting. The holidays are over and I am still packing on the weight I gained from year before last. Every year it is the same thing. I make a resolution to improve my fitness and by the end of the month, the resolution is forgotten and becomes history. Sound familiar? The reason for this is that most resolutions are too general or require lifestyle changes that we are unwilling to make.
Statistically speaking, I am in good company. Almost half of the resolutions made will be forgotten by the end of January. Like most people, I keep making resolutions to do something about my health, fitness or weight, but lack the commitment to follow through to success. Making the resolution is easy, the hard part is sticking with it and reaching the goal.
What I really want to do is make some lifestyle changes that will benefit me in the long run. Along with lots of other people, I am going to make a resolution to improve my overall fitness. But, this year, I decided to do something different to increase my chance of success. Here is what I intend to do:
1. Walk as much as possible. Walking has been shown to be one of the best exercises for improving endurance and stamina. When I go shopping, I will park further away from the store. Use stairs instead of taking an elevator. Three or four flights of stairs are okay to start. Take a ten-minute walk at lunch time and maybe longer after dinner.
Walk at a rapid pace. Taking a leisurely stroll does not do much to improve overall health. Years ago, power walking became an exercise fad and increasing my pace a little will help my endurance.
2. Take a lesson from my dog and do some stretching exercises every morning. The first thing these animals do when they get up is to stretch. Stretch the muscles and ligaments in the arms, legs and back to improve range of motion, reduce soreness and improve resistance to injuries.
3. Drink more water. Most of us are reluctant to give up soft drinks, but it will be easy to replace a couple of soft drinks with water. Water will help flush toxins out of our bodies and helps fill us up when we have our meals.
4. Change my eating habits. Make healthier snack choices. Replace my mid-morning snack cake or donut with natural snacks such as baby carrots or sweet potato sticks. I like both of these and this will increase my fiber intake, reduce the number of sugar and fat calories I consume and keep me from feeling hungry. This will help me eat smaller portions at meals and eliminate that late night snack.
5. Make specific plan, write it down and post it where it can be seen all the time. I will post it on the refrigerator door, my office wall or desk and in my car. I want to be reminded constantly about my goal to improve my overall health and fitness.
There it is. Five easy things I can do to increase my chances of finally keeping my resolution to change my life and do something beneficial for myself. Make your resolution easy to keep by making a plan that starts with small steps that you can keep and reach your goal.


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