Wednesday 4 January 2012

Channing Tatum Workout

Channing Tatum Workout

Channing Tatum starting turning heads with his Adonis physique from roles as far back as “Coach Carter.” Actually, a funny fact is that Channing Tatum was actually a male stripper before he became an actor. Hey, I guess you gotta pay the bills somehow. Maybe that also explains why he’s not the greatest actor eithe.
But his physique has landed him quite a few blockbusters as of late. In 2009 he starred in “Fighting” and was is decent shape for that role. He really got in top shape though, for his recent film “G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra.” Although you and I both probably agree we shouldn’t be take acting lessons from the guy, Channing Tatum’s fitness regimen can provide us with some great insight on what it takes to achieve a lean physique with a good amount of dense muscle. In that light, let’s focus on his workout routine and then take a look at his diet plan as well.

Channing Tatum’s Strength Training Program:

5×5 set/rep sceme, unless noted:
Monday – Chest
Gironda Neck Press
Incline DB Press
Narrow Grip Bench Press
Cable Fly, Low Pulley (3×10)
Cable Fly, High Pulley (3×10)
*15 minutes, cool down Cardio*
Tuesday – Back
Wide Grip Pullups (3x failure)
Narrow Grip Bentover Row
Reverse Grip Cable Pull Down
Seated Cable Row
Chinups (3x failure)
*15 minutes, cool down Cardio*
Wednesday – Interval Circuit Training
*Spartacus Workoutor similar Crossfit type*
Thursday – REST DAY
Friday – Shoulders
Military Press
Seated DB Military Press
Side Lateral Raise (3x 8-12)
Front Lateral Raise (3x 8-12)
Rear Delt Raise (3x 8-12)
*15 minutes, cool down Cardio*
Saturday – Interval Circuit Training
*Spartacus Workoutor similar Crossfit type*
Sunday – REST DAY
Notice there’s no dedicated leg day? Well for one, if you choose to do the Spartacus Workout twice a week, your legs will be smoked anyway. But more importantly, Tatum did not want to overdevelop his legs, which is common for many guys in the fitness realm today. Whether it’s a lack of knowledge or an ego thing, legs are overly-hyped. No one should care how much you squat, and trying to up that number will only add unnecessary leg mass that will look like crap, and make it hard for you to fit in your jeans – neither of which are desirable. Tatum’s Program, as all celebrity workouts are, was designed with a purpose; with a specific look in mind. He was not going into the role as a pro wrestler or a bouncer – but as an elite soldier who had to perform athletic movements and be quick on his feet.
To get lean and mean for the role of Captain Duke Hauser, Tatum focused on a high protein, moderate carbohydrate diet, with plenty of healthy dietary fats as well. From what I’ve discovered, Tatum’s diet plan was nothing out of the ordinary. It was just a plan built for muscle maintenance and workout performance while creating enough of a calorie deficit to enable use of fat for energy. Protein-wise, you should be taking in around 1 gram of protein for each pound of lean mass you carry. A 170 pound guy who has 12% body fat is carrying 150 lbs of lean mass, so will need 150 g/protein a day – which is incredibly easy to hit.
Lean meats and starchy vegetables were the mainstay of Tatum’s diet. Carb sources were mainly consumed pre and post workout. If he needed to drop fat really fast, carbs were further reduced so he would burn even more of his own body fat for fuel.


Unknown said...

wonderful information............ CHANNING TAUTUM BODY

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