Friday 13 January 2012


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Thursday 5 January 2012

Fat-Burning Boost

Fat-Burning Boost

Research says you can boost your fat-burning potential during cardio by about half simply by taking this supplement

The supplement carnitine has been a fat burner for years, as well as a potent nitric oxide booster New research shows that it has one more hidden ability to help you through your workouts--increasing muscle endurance. Researchers from the United Kingdom gave subjects either 2 grams of L-carnitine L-tartrate twice per day or a placebo for 24 weeks.
The subjects taking carnitine were able to cycle on a stationary bike for 25% longer. The researchers concluded that this was due to the fact that the subjects burned 50% more fat and 50% less muscle glycogen during the workouts. TAKE THIS: Boost your fat-burning potential during cardio by about half simply by taking 2 grams of carnitine, such as L-carnitine L-tartrate, with your pre- and postworkout meals.



Azzi Training

Body Fitness – My New Year Resolution

Here it is, January and the new year is already starting. The holidays are over and I am still packing on the weight I gained from year before last. Every year it is the same thing. I make a resolution to improve my fitness and by the end of the month, the resolution is forgotten and becomes history. Sound familiar? The reason for this is that most resolutions are too general or require lifestyle changes that we are unwilling to make.
Statistically speaking, I am in good company. Almost half of the resolutions made will be forgotten by the end of January. Like most people, I keep making resolutions to do something about my health, fitness or weight, but lack the commitment to follow through to success. Making the resolution is easy, the hard part is sticking with it and reaching the goal.
What I really want to do is make some lifestyle changes that will benefit me in the long run. Along with lots of other people, I am going to make a resolution to improve my overall fitness. But, this year, I decided to do something different to increase my chance of success. Here is what I intend to do:
1. Walk as much as possible. Walking has been shown to be one of the best exercises for improving endurance and stamina. When I go shopping, I will park further away from the store. Use stairs instead of taking an elevator. Three or four flights of stairs are okay to start. Take a ten-minute walk at lunch time and maybe longer after dinner.
Walk at a rapid pace. Taking a leisurely stroll does not do much to improve overall health. Years ago, power walking became an exercise fad and increasing my pace a little will help my endurance.
2. Take a lesson from my dog and do some stretching exercises every morning. The first thing these animals do when they get up is to stretch. Stretch the muscles and ligaments in the arms, legs and back to improve range of motion, reduce soreness and improve resistance to injuries.
3. Drink more water. Most of us are reluctant to give up soft drinks, but it will be easy to replace a couple of soft drinks with water. Water will help flush toxins out of our bodies and helps fill us up when we have our meals.
4. Change my eating habits. Make healthier snack choices. Replace my mid-morning snack cake or donut with natural snacks such as baby carrots or sweet potato sticks. I like both of these and this will increase my fiber intake, reduce the number of sugar and fat calories I consume and keep me from feeling hungry. This will help me eat smaller portions at meals and eliminate that late night snack.
5. Make specific plan, write it down and post it where it can be seen all the time. I will post it on the refrigerator door, my office wall or desk and in my car. I want to be reminded constantly about my goal to improve my overall health and fitness.
There it is. Five easy things I can do to increase my chances of finally keeping my resolution to change my life and do something beneficial for myself. Make your resolution easy to keep by making a plan that starts with small steps that you can keep and reach your goal.

Muscle Workout Routines

Muscle  Workout   Routines

The Best Workout Routines to Build Muscle

Workout Routines to Build Muscle

Ask almost any bodybuilder, powerlifter, or other big, strong dude, and he’ll tell you there’s no one way to train for building muscle and strength. Even so, I constantly get guys asking me “what’s the best workout routines to build muscle?” “What’s the one way to train that will really get me the best results?”
Truth is, most of these guys aren’t really looking to learn any valuable information or put in any serious work at the gym. They’re looking for a magic bullet, that “secret” workout that will get them a big chest, strong arms, and washboard abs by yesterday. That’s not going to happen!
But then again, you’re not that kind of trainee, are you? You really do want to know exactly how to build muscle, and you’re willing to put in the work to make it happen. You just want to know what the best workout routine to build muscle is so that you can maximize the time you put in at the gym! Truth be told, there is no single, best routine, but there are a few rules you MUST follow to make quick progress. Tailor your training to these principles, and you WILL get bigger and stronger faster than you ever thought possible…

Check out my top workout routines to build muscle:

1. Squatting for Size
Many an old-timer, washed-up meathead will tell you that squats are the king of all exercises. Don’t ignore them just because they aren’t in their prime – they’re right! Squats are truly the best overall mass-building exercise you can do, but they have unfortunately gone by the wayside as companies have developed new and fancy leg press and hack squat machines. Those have their place too, but they will NEVER replace the good ol’ squat.
You can spend years perfecting your squat technique and workout routine to build muscle, but here are a few tips that will put you head and shoulders above 99% of the other gym rats. First, take a medium-width stance, slightly wider than your shoulders. Don’t buy into that “close stance to work the quads” crap, your quads will get bigger as long as you squat big weights.

Next, place the bar low on your upper back, pinching your shoulder blades back as tight as possible to create a “shelf” for the bar with your shoulders. Take the bar out of the rack in a controlled but firm manner, KNOWING you’re going to dominate that weight. Once you’ve taken a couple steps back, fill your belly with air (not your chest!), and sit BACK and down into the squat.Thatbackwards motion with your hips is essential for bringing your hamstrings and glutes into the equation and allowing you to lift some serious weight. You’ll never squat big if you just worry about your quads! Once the crease of your hip is at the same level as your knees (this is called parallel), explode back up to the starting position. As far as actual workout routines to build muscle go, there are tons of ways to train the squat. For a beginner or intermediate, I would recommend a routine where you’ve got one “lower body” or “legs” day where you focus on squatting as your primary exercise, working up to one or two heavy sets of 4-6 reps. You should strive to increase the weight on these sets week after week. Follow up your squatting with other leg exercises like lunges and leg presses, and you’re good to go. Remember, your legs have as much or more muscle mass than your entire upper body, so get them big!
2. Strength? Size? It’s all the Same!
If you read any conventional bodybuilding “wisdom” these days, you’ll see most guys talking as if size and strength are two totally different goals, and that you have to focus on one or the other. What a bunch of crap! Stereotypes of the “all show and no go” bodybuilder aside, have you really ever seen someone who was massively muscular and NOT strong? No way!
The thing is, your muscles grow in response to certain stimuli. There are a number of ways to stimulate this growth, but the only one that can work in the long term is getting stronger. Think about it – if you increase your bench by 100 pounds, do you think you’ll have bigger pecs? If you take your max on the squat and get strong enough to rep it 10 times, do you think your legs will be bigger? Of course!

I don’t care what kind of workout routines to build muscle you end up doing.

Traditional bodybuilding split, powerlifting workout, 5 x 5, it all works. The thing that really matters is that you get stronger! If you train your heart out but don’t worry about actually getting stronger, I guarantee that you will be the same size as you are now, six months or a year from now. Now THAT is wasted time.
There are tons and tons of ways to go about getting stronger, but the main thing you should worry about is gradually adding weight to the bar, week after week, for sets of 4-6 reps. Fewer or more reps is alright if you really want to, but the important thing is to always focus on the weight. Don’t get too eager, either. A five pound increase per week on the squat or bench may seem like next to nothing, but if you did that for a few months, you’d have made over a 100 pound increase in your strength!
3. Massive Food for Massive Gains
Hopefully you already know this, but just in case it’s not drilled into your head yet, I’ll say it again - nutrition is THE most important aspect of bodybuilding. You can have the perfect routine and stick to it like a champion, but at the end of the day, your body still needs enough nutrients to repair damage muscle tissue and build it bigger than it was before.
So if you are looking for the best workout routines to build muscle, you need to first look at your diet. Proper bodybuilding nutrition is actually somewhat well-known these days, so I’ll just give you the quick and dirty on how to eat for lean muscle gains. First, you want tons of protein. If you get one gram of protein per pound of your own bodyweight per day (not counting the incidental amounts in grains), then you’re on the right track.
Second, you’ve got to get extra calories from fats and carbs to have the energy to train and grow. Don’t bother getting out calculator or counting calories, though. Just make sure you eat most of your carbs before and after training and eat fats with your proteins during the rest of the day. For carbs, eat nutritious foods like oats, other grains, and potatoes. For fats, take in plenty of olive oil, nuts, avocados, and some red meat.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Workout

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Workout


 How Does Rosie Huntington Whiteley’s Work Out?

The gorgeous English supermodel stays in shape by boxing! When asked in an interview what her favorite workout is, she replied “I box, which I love!”
Rosie is Megan Fox’s replacement for the new Transformers movie (playing Shia LaBeouf’s love interest). A source says that Rosie had to work out with two personal trainers in the lead up to the film. “Rosie clearly has the looks to replace Megan but she isn’t being allowed an easy ride in preparing herself for what is a physically demanding role,” reveals a source close to the 24-year-old. “She is working with two different personal trainers and is undergoing firearms and stunt training. She’s really being put through her paces.”

At only 22, Rosie has a young metabolism on her side and credits her slim figure with her busy lifestyle.
In an older interview Rosie said ‘I’m not a massive gym bunny, but I do make an appearance every once in a while. I have quite a good diet (get a models diet here), so I kind of maintain that all year round.’
She seems to be giving the impression she doesn’t workout very often and her slim figure is all a result of her diet. Then listen to what she has said in more recent interviews…the story changes a bit.
In a more recent interview Rosie said..
“I go to the gym, do a lot of cardio and keep strong, which is really important to me.”
I’m a huge eater –it can be anything from a roast dinner cooked by my mum, pizza or burgers. I love burgers and chips. I’m a British farm girl — I love to eat — it’s really important part of my life.
I don’t get why celebrities pretend that they eat heaps of unhealthy food when they clearly don’t? What’s the point of it?

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Importance of Supplements for Bodybuilders

Importance of Supplements for Bodybuilders

 In case you are beginning a bodybuilding routine, you need to have good knowledge about different types of supplements and their advantages for bodybuilders. These supplements are an important thing required for a bodybuilder. These supplements are divided in to different groups which make a person wonder how and when to take a certain supplement. 



Protein is the most important thing that needs to be considered while talking about the nutrition of muscles for a bodybuilder. Protein’s importance for muscles can be analyzed from the fact that it is known as the fuel of muscles which allows the muscles to grow. Insufficient amount of protein in the diet of a person can result in negative effects on bodybuilding.
Taking protein powder in the form of supplements is an important thing to do however it is not always needed. You can have other alternatives to taking proteins which can be found in numerous sources of the nature such as red or white meat along with different dairy products. In case you don’t have access to such products or you have other problems which make it difficult for you to eat such products, you can look for the supplements as an alternative. The minimum requirement of protein for a bodybuilder is 1.5 to 2 grams which should be taken before and after workout. These amounts of protein can also be distributed uniformly in your diet. Another popular protein product is mixed protein which has been isolated by Whey which is an alternative to dairy products especially the product of cheese. These proteins not only provide body with supplements which are needed but also help in reducing risk of diseases.
Whey protein is another popular supplement that a bodybuilder should take. The whey protein allows your body to acquire the most important building blocks of the muscles. This type of supplement is taken in the form of a shake which bodybuilders usually take before and after performing exercise. This type of powdered protein as a supplement allows the body to intake supplements that assist in the growth and repair of tissues of the muscle. Bodybuilders will have a goal in their mind whenever the development of muscles starts. The major target of a bodybuilder is to provide chemical substances to his body which create the best types of muscles that are healthy from the inside as well.
These supplements reduce the decreased amount of proteins and other carbohydrates that are required for proper development of their muscles. Fatty acids, Vitamins and different other types of carbohydrates are the building blocks of different supplements. These supplements not only provide the body with essential products for building of muscle but also increase the functioning of hemoglobin which allows a boost in the energy. Most of the diet taken on average lacks essential products such as Omega 3, Omega 6 and other important products. These products can be found in fish and different flax seeds. The impact on the body is huge and the proper intake of such elements helps in the elimination of fat deposits from the body and also clean blood from cholesterol allowing proper growth of all parts of body including muscles.

Dwayne Johnson, aka The Rock Workout

Dwayne Johnson, aka The Rock Workout



The Rock’s Workout History

From Bulky to Lean

When he started wrestling, Johnson realized that his bulky 280lb frame was not going to create an effective look. He had to get faster and leaner. By focusing on a proper diet plan and a workout built around hypertrophy, Johnson dropped 20lbs. He had a split routine where he worked one body part per day and did 45 minutes of fat burning cardio.
His new look combined with his playful personality helped turn The Rock into the People’s Champ. This helped propel Johnson into the Hollywood scene where he has starred in movies such as The Mummy Returns, The Scorpion King, Walking Tall, The Rundown, Doom, Gridiron Gang, The Game Plan, Get Smart, Race to Witch Mountain, Tooth Fairy and earn upcoming roles in The Other Guys and Faster.
Dwayne Johnson’s first movies were mainly action films before he ventured in the world of comedy. With Faster, he’s coming full circle. Obviously, Johnson will need to stay in great shape since he plans on tackling superhero roles in the future%u2026Luke Cage, Namor, Martian Manhunter, Captain Marvel, and Race Bannon from Johnny Quest are possibilities.
The Rock cut his weight by 35lbs and cut his body fat in half, going from 14% to 7% by using the following workout routine:


Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Chest, back, biceps, calves: 5 sets, 15-20 reps, 30 second rest periods
Cardio: 5 minute warm-up, 12 minutes high intensity, 5 minute cool down
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Quads, hamstrings, shoulders, triceps: 5 sets, 15-20 reps, 30 second rest periods
Cardio: 5 minute warm-up, 12 minutes high intensity, 5 minute cool down
Additionally, to avoid plateaus, Johnson would change various aspects of his strength training routine such as lifting tempo, number sets, reps, and rest time.



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