Wednesday 4 January 2012

Vin Diesel Workout

Vin Diesel Workout

Vin Diesel has starred in numerous movies such as Fast and the Furious, xXx, Pitch Black/Chronicles of Riddick, and many more. He’s a modern day action star who maintains a big, muscular build. He’s currently preparing for another xXx movie as well as another Chronicles of Riddick movie.
At 40+ years old, Vin Diesel workout helps him stay in great shape. He is 6′ tall and weighs 220lbs. He changed his name to Vin Diesel while working as a bouncer. Vin is short for Vincent and he got the nickname Diesel from friends who said he ran on diesel due to his unlimited energy.

Vin Diesel Workout

Vin Diesel has a chiseled build. While it’s difficult to peg the exact Vin Diesel workout routine, he likely utilizes a strength and mass building program. His weight training routine utilizes free weights and compound movements and includes bench press, shoulder press, lat pulldowns, curls, and other comparable exercises. He also includes bodyweight exercises such as pullups, pushups, and dips. A typical cardio workout would include running, biking, or swimming. It’s rumored that Vin Diesel even incorporates yoga and pilates to increase flexibility and core strength.

The Basics of the “Vin Diesel Workout”

The Right Exercises - The biggest thing you need to know is the right exercises to do. If you rely on the “big 3″ exercises – the squat, dead lift and bench press – you may end up with a body that’s bulky but not sexy at all.
The Right Reps - Beyond knowing what exercises to avoid and which ones to do, you should know how many reps of each you want to do. Too little or too many can give you the wrong type of body.
Secret Supersets – On top of knowing the right exercises and the right ways to do them, you need to know about supersets – two exercises that work opposite muscles. Doing exercises in the right order is so very important.
Persistence Pays - The other thing you need is persistence – the ability to keep going. The good thing about the Vin Diesel workout is that you’re going to see results really quickly, which means you’ll want to keep going.

Vin Diesel Diet

Vin DIesel eats a relatively clean diet multiple times per day focused on good nutrition, lots of protein, and of course fruits and vegetables.


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